Monday, February 17, 2025

Meet Us

Hi, I’m Katriel, the writer of the family. Since most of the time we’re talking about Johnny and not about ourselves, I thought you all might be interested in who we are!

My dad, Tim, is a Software Engineer. He went to the University of Illinois way back in the day when people still saw in black and white (just kidding, he’s really not that old). As his hair becomes grayer, he enjoys spending time with his family, eating cheeseburgers, and editing large amounts of YouTube videos.

My mom, Christy, is an HR professional. She has a chemistry and psychology degree from UNC, and makes incredible food. She enjoys reading, taking scalding hot baths, and searching pinterest for exciting new recipes to try.

As for myself, I’m currently at Purdue studying Cellular, Molecular, and Developmental Biology. “What are you gonna do with that?” you ask. I’m not totally sure yet. Maybe create plants that grow better and feed more people. Maybe try to stop the next Ebola outbreak. When I don’t have my face buried in a textbook, I enjoy playing piano, learning languages, and watching plants grow.

We love your comments and suggestions on our website and YouTube videos. Please feel free to leave us notes and we will get back to you as soon as we can!


    • I am re-arranging the site a bit. All are new except for the ‘meet us’ page which I back-dated to it’s original posting date. Sorry.

  1. Hi Tim and Crew! I’m just to the point of ordering and new 1025R with attachments to use at our church for mowing, gardening, snow removal, ect. Your videos have been SOOOO Helpful!!!! I am a UM pastor in Minnesota not far from Heavy Hitch and winters here are challenging. I want to encourage you and your family to continue the videos as they are very helpful. I also enjoy the Scripture!!! If you have any comments in helping me to get it right in buying the 1025R, I’m listening!

    • Thanks for the comment, Larry! I think our videos speak for themselves. Not many other comments to share! You will love it!

  2. Tim,
    I have a question that I need to send pictures along with. Could you email me so I can send them to you?
    Eric in PA

  3. Can you show the Bible verses longer, I’m a very slow reader.

    Always fine your family enjoyable to watch and the videos educational.

    I’ve got my JD 2025r May 2017 would love to fine a way to use it for a ministry


  4. Katriel,

    Very, very nice write-up. I have been watching tractor videos and reading articles for over 2 years now. You opened my eyes as to who can be a tractor owner. The fact that your father is a Software Engineer rang the bell for me. I have been in the IT industry for over 40 years, that is what I do professionally, and my wife is a VP for a Title Insurance company. Your mom talked about growing up on a farm and so I assumed she continued that path, surprise! We own over 8 suburban acres(not easy to obtain where I live). I would like to share my experiences with the three of you. I started out John Deere and have gone to Massey Ferguson (now have 2) and still one small John Deere, but your videos on technique apply to any color tractor. Any chance I can have an email? I can’t seem to find an email on the website.


  5. Hey everyone, I may have been misunderstood for the point I was trying to make in my post. I am impressed with the fact that Tim, Christy, and, soon, Katriel are all non-farming or construction professionals. It mirrors my family situation. Every job I start with each of my tractors is approached with my feeling overwhelmed and under-prepared, unskilled, and unworthy. Tim’s videos…all the videos on the Internet really help me learn and get work done…safely. I am in awe of the folks who work hydraulics for a living or raise our food. They have skills and talents I only dream of having in a small way. I am intimate with computer technology, but not completely sure of myself when it comes to YouTube etiquette. I was looking for someone to exchange emails to trade questions AND answers. I will pursue the Massey Ferguson forums. Three rules I gave my children in driving apply to operating tractors as well. In order of priority, don’t hurt or kill anyone, don’t hurt or kill yourself, don’t wreck the equipment…Tim, Christy, Katriel, and all watchers…God Bless, stay safe. Keep the videos coming.

    • Hi Carl!
      I would highly recommend
      There are some really knowledgeable folks on that forum. It is moderated, so there will not be folks making sick and rude replies.
      This is painful for us, as we LOVE getting to know folks. However, with 30,000-50,000 views per day, we simply do not have time to carry on private conversations with viewers.
      Think about it, even 1% would is 300-500 personal emails per day.
      I often get calls while at the office from folks simply wanting to ‘chew the fat’ about their upcoming or recent tractor job, or tractor purchase.
      Hopefully you can understand and appreciate the volumes of communication we are dealing with.
      We read EVERY YouTube comment, and reply to most. We feel that is about as far as we can go.
      We also participate in, especially if someone directly mentions us.

      I hope that is helpful. Please forgive me for not having time for deep personal interaction!

      • Tim, Thanks for explanation of your reasons for not doing direst emails and thanks for the Green Tractor Talk recommendation. I want a Bauma Light Mulcher on an M7060 Kubota but on the loader arms. I will pose hopefully you can help me with respond there

    • About your ‘safety rules’ for your children. Are those actionable rules? Do they help the children operate the equipment more safely?
      Or would those ‘rules’ tend to make them more ‘skittish’ around the equipment which often can contribute to accidents?
      I would suggest using actionable rules. Something like ‘concentrate on what might happen before you move anything on the tractor.’ Evaluate the situation. If it seems like something bad could happen, evaluate further. It never hurts to take your time.

      I believe safety is achieved by anticipating and avoiding unexpected movements from the equipment and items being manipulated by the equipment.

  6. Katriel, Check out Leidos Biomedical Research, we staff the NIH labs world wide, we are currently gearing up for the Eboa breakout in DR Congo.
    I am a Network Specialist for them in Maryland. My office mate is the remote network admin for Liberia and Mali

  7. Hello Tim,

    I am about to buy 1025r (BL) upgrading my old 420 L Been reviewing many of your videos on grapples and diverter valves. I know you went with the Artilion which seems very good. Has the dual grapple benefited you very often? I have been thinking of the frontier 53″ grapple that weighs 160 lbs. That is about 100lbs lighter than the Artillion and a bit cheaper. I can think of use for forks for myself, so I dont see adding other Artillion attachments. The Frontier AV20F does look a bit lighter duty, but so is the tractor 🙂

    There is a WR long valve that is a true 3rd function valve. This is a bit more $ than the Artillion and wondered if you really had a use for a 3rd FV vs a diverter. I can not think that I would. Looks like the Artiillion was fairly straight forward to install. I guess the WR long replaces the joystick and puts the button in the joystick. I saw on ebay someone selling a JD knob with the button in the knob for $130 Nice, but I can see other things I want for the $ 🙂

    I know all how you use it, I will just be using grapple for my own personal use of moving brush and logs. I thought the lighter weight maybe better than the dual grapple.


    • Good questions. Look closely at our videos. That dual clamp is wet helpful. Almost all ‘loads’ are uneven. Having said that, you can start with a single clamp and save some money, adding the second clamp later.
      Also, I would suggest you ‘rethink’ the forks. Once you have them, you’ll use them 90% of the time on your loader. I rarely use the bucket!

  8. Hello Tim! Recently came across your videos and website and have really enjoyed them! Very very helpful! I am looking to purchase a new tractor soon… my zero-turn mower died and my old Mitsubishi tractor is on it’s way out to pasture also – so I am looking to replace both of them with one new tractor! I need to have a small nimble tractor to mow around the trees in my hobby orchard but still be powerful enough to pull dirt back up my fairly steep driveway. (I have 7 acres on two flat levels with a slope between.) Have you had the chance to use the new 2025R and what are your opinions on it? The price difference locally between a 1025R and 2025R is about $2500 (both with Loader and 60″ belly mower). Thanks!

    • I have not used 2025r. Based on your description, I would recommend the 2038r. I think you would be much more pleased with a slightly more powerful tractor.

  9. Hey Tim, first off I’ll start by saying that your videos are great and often very informative. With that being said, I know your partial to the deere family, but I have to ask you if you have any knowledge with the new holland workmaster 25s? Reason being is, I am on the market for a subcompact tractor and have looked at the 1025r, bx23s and the workmaster 25s. I’ve ruled out the Kubota completely, so I’m down to the deere/new holland. I know they both have the same Yanmar 3cyl engine and produce roughly the same hp/pto output numbers however, the new holland claims to have 4.6gmp for implement and 2.1 for steering. The implement is significantly higher than the deere which is only 3.4. Do u have any valuable knowledge to shed on this topic to help me decide? Any and all input is greatly appreciated before I drop 20k on a tractor with mower, loader and backhoe

  10. Hi Tim, Just start watching your videos. Getting a1025R 2019 on Tuesday , can’t wait. Thanks for all your videos and information.

  11. Tim: Do you have a video showing how to level the 60” deck from side to side? I thought I had my level according to a level I had on the deck, but when I mow it appears the right side is lower, or the discharge side.


  12. Thanks for videos and for introducing me to good works Tractors. They recently delivered a 3046R to me up in the tip of the mitt. I also like the Bible verses.

  13. Hi Tim, finally went and bought a 1025R after 4 years of decisions just wanted to say thank you for posting videos of the tractor in use to make my decision easier

  14. Thanks for your videos. I am especially impressed with the drone views. I use a drone to access remote parts of my acreage but the footage is too wide angled. I was wondering what kind of drone you use. I am subscribed to your channel and paused a video when you first got the drone. It looks like a Mavic Pro maybe?

  15. Hello to the TTWT Family!! I’m from Minnesota and have enjoyed all of your videos for the last almost 3 years. Keep up the GREAT WORK. Because of your videos and work I had bought a JD 1025 R and many implements. Just retired from active ministry and bought our first home with 5 acres. It all comes in handy especially helping all the neighbors.

    God Bless You!
    Larry Kasten

  16. Tim,

    I really enjoy your channel and site. I have 11 acres and I’m starting an arboretum. I picked up a 1025r based on your in-depth reviews and I’m loving it and it sure beats breaking my back. I’m interested in starting my own YouTube channel about fruit growing and what not and I would be very grateful if you could tell me what camera you use and editing software you use for your videos. It would sure help me get a kick start. Thanks!

  17. Tim, I have enjoyed your videos since I found your channel a few months ago. I saved some money on shipping with your TTWT discount at when I ordered parts to renew my 18 yr old JD LX266 lawn mower. Thank you! But…your videos were addictive… and we ended up getting a 1025R two weeks ago from the JD dealer in Monroe, NC. Interesting about your NC ties. I moved here after graduating in Engineering from Ga Tech many years ago. Met and married my wife who lived on a farm south of Charlotte. I also appreciate your Bible verses… they are a quiet, but nice testament to faith.

  18. Tim, I have a new 2038R. I’m thinking about wiring in my own LED rear work light kit. I know JD makes the kit but it’s pretty expensive. I watched the video of you wiring your 1025R. I’m wondering if the 2038R has the same unused bullet connectors inside the bottom of the ROPs that are controlled with the light switch on the dash? Any info about wiring extra work lights to the 2038R would be great.
    Thanks for your videos on YouTube. They are very helpful!

  19. Hi Tim
    Just changed hydraulic fluid in my 1025, it didn’t seem like the screen tube end snapped into the fitting well that bolts onto the case. Is that normal? It just fit snug but didn’t lock in. Please advise. Thanks!

  20. Enjoy your channel and appreciate the work and time you both put in to each episode. I have a 2017 B2650 Kubota with factory cab. It has around 480 hours. I have a constant problem with the safety switch in the seat. Question, does the switch become overly sensitive and need to replaced at some point. At times the seat is fine but a slightest shift in my position in seat will kill the engine. That is just a example.
    Thank You,
    Carl and Kathy

  21. Yes, I think the OPC can become too sensitive. Our 2017 2650 Cab with over 500 hours was becoming a safety issue it self. It is located in the cushion of the seat. It cost just under $100.00 to replace.

  22. Hi Tim,

    Love the channel. I am looking to upgrade from a 1025r to a 2038r or 3039r. I am doing a ton of work myself when I have time. I wanted to know if you could do a comparison video on the backhoes and the mowers. Talking to the dealer they tell me to get a 3r and buy a lawn mower, I just dont want to take care of 2 motors, and room for it.

    I think it would be a good youtube with a comparison of the mowing finish as well as backhoe breakout and digging and lift capacity.


  23. Hi Tim I also watch your channel too my question is what would be the best plan I have 220R loader on my 2210 but tractor is too small for what I need for.

  24. I noticed you were using a Kubota tractor not John Deere when you had the Skid-Lift on the back.
    Was that because of the 1500Lb Skid-Lift ? You needed a tractor with a 3 point that can handle that kind of weight. I would hate to see someone get a John Deere 1025 and a Skid-Lift that might of been me not knowing much about tractors.
    Just a heads up.


  25. Hi Tim – just wanted to let you know that on your latest video on flail mowers (8/10/22) there’s something in the video that allows geolocation to your location. Not sure if you publish that info publicly – so wanted to make you aware of it so you can hide it in case you’re not aware. Glad to share details so you’re aware via email. Please feel free delete this comment once you’ve read it – looked for a direct contact method, but couldn’t find. Hope y’all are doing great! Enjoying the vids!

  26. Tim,
    I enjoyed your podcasts about your trip to Honduras. I have been to Brazil several times on church construction projects.
    I feel ties to you.. You live about 5 miles east of my son. He has a produce farm with some goats & chickens. He has a Johnny one size bigger than a 1025 with a tiller, box grader and a hiller that I built for him.
    Keep up what you’re doing.

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