Monday, February 17, 2025
HomeKatrielGetting the Entire Family in on the Tractor Fun

Getting the Entire Family in on the Tractor Fun

The holidays are rapidly approaching, and perhaps you’re looking forward to spending some quality time with your tractor during your time off. I know my dad is! However, Christmas Break will also be here for us kids. Sometimes playing with tractors can be a solo activity, or maybe your teenage daughter just isn’t interested in all that machinery stuff.


I vouch, from experience, that spending time with my dad while working with Johnny has been an incredibly positive experience. I’ve learned about the mechanics of the tractor, how to operate the backhoe, tiller, loader, and other implements, and best of all, I’ve gotten to spend a lot of quality time with my dad doing something that he loves.

So, here’s some of my ideas to get your kids off the couch and onto the tractor seat.

If you live in a snowy area, your tractor is practically begging you to go play in the snow! In previous years, my dad has used his snow blade to clear our driveway and also a lot of our neighbors. If you have elderly or disabled neighbors, clearing their driveway can be an excellent way to show them some love during the winter. If you have little kids, bundle them up, and have them sit on your lap and “steer” while you help out your neighborhood! You, the responsible adult, still have full control of the tractor, but your little one gets to drive, play in the snow, and help their neighbors all at the same time. I tried to get my dad to let me do this, but he said I was too big. Hmm.

If you’ve never had a white Christmas, maybe you could consider starting a garden. About three years ago, I asked my dad if we could start a garden, and it has been nothing but joy for our entire family. We used Johnny to till up an area of our yard for the garden, and we use Johnny to hill potatoes and chop up left over corn stalks among other things.

Check out some of our older YouTube videos to see almost all of the projects Johnny helped us out with in the garden. I love gardening because after tilling and planting your favorite veggies, essentially you just watch them grow until they’re ready! Gardening can be an excellent learning experience as well. For most of us, food comes straight out of the grocery store, and it’s so cool to see your food come straight out of the ground. I’ve learned how to take care of several different types of vegetables and crops, and now I’m studying Molecular Biology to genetically improve those crops! Plus, if you grow more than you can eat, your local food pantry would love to have fresh produce. Or, you can fill your loader with potatoes and drive around the neighborhood offering them to your neighbors, as my dad and I have been known to do.

If you still have leaves on the ground, your kids might enjoy getting to drive around the yard and help mulch the leaves! When I was younger, before we had Johnny, my dad used to let me drive over the leaves with our lawn mover. I was 9 or 10, and far too young to drive a vehicle, but driving the lawn mower in the backyard was both legal and helpful, not to mention fun! In fact, I would have loved to driven over the leaves in our YouTube video demonstrating our leafy mulchy thing, but dad thought it was so fun that he wanted to do it himself.

Again, if your kiddo is too small to reach the pedals, you can always sit them on your lap so they can steer! (Dad’s edit: Just don’t tell the safety police)

I can’t say enough good things about all the times I’ve spent with my dad and Johnny. Besides being educational, they’re some of my fondest memories. Perhaps this Christmas, you can add some quality Tractor Time with *insert your name here* to your kid’s stack of presents.

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