Monday, February 17, 2025
HomeTractors3-Point Quick Hitch Options for Compact Tractors

3-Point Quick Hitch Options for Compact Tractors

The 3-Point hitch system for rear attached implements is both loved and hated. We all love the relative consistency and compatibility between rear attachments and tractors. Essentially every tractor made in the last 30 years has a 3-point hitch. This level of compatibility is extremely valuable, allowing manufacturers to freely innovate on both sides of the hitch.

Unfortunately, while the 3-Point Hitch is nearly universally compatible, challenges remain. One of those challenges is the ease of attaching 3 pt attachments. Often, the attempted attachment includes prying, pulling, lifting, grunting, etc until you can get the lift arms perfectly lined up with the implement. Then, the challenge is repeated for the top-link.
Another challenge is that implements, while compatible with a 3 point hitch, are not always STRICTLY compatible to the standard. Often the lower lift pins are not at the perfect separation distance, and the top link pin is often not at the correct height. On some older plows, the lower lift pins can be adjusted left or right, while the top link is ‘fixed’.
Even if the pins are the perfect distances apart, sometimes the way the hitch is made makes it difficult or impossible to use a quick-hitch. Perhaps the hitch is too wide, or there is insufficient clearance to allow connection.

Over the last 30 years or so (this is ‘recently’ in the tractor world) quick hitches have become more popular. These hitches assist with the challenging process of attaching and detaching implements. This increase in popularity has forced the implement manufacturers to design their 3 point connections precisely to the standard, and with sufficient clearance to allow QH connectivity. So, newer implements will be more likely to work with the 3 point quick hitches.

Quick Hitches come in a few different shapes, styles, and price points. We’ll check out some of the more popular options here.

Pat’s Easy Change

Pat's Easy Change
Pat’s Easy Change

The Easy Change system modifies only the lower two (lift) links of the 3-point hitch by adding extensions to them. These extensions allow quick connection to the attachment lift pins. The top link is connected using the normal connection process. I’ve often wondered why tractor manufacturers continue to supply the standard ‘ball’ connection on the tractor. It doesn’t seem to be useful for any 3 point hitch attachment. In fact, Oliver 3 point lift links all the way back to the 1960’s were very similar to the Pat’s Easy change of today. Sorry for the digression.

Pat’s Easy Change will not be quite as easy to connect to attachments as the other options below, however it really shines when you need to connect to an attachment which is not compatible with a standard quick hitch.

Harbor Freight/Speeco Quick Hitch

This is the quick hitch I have. I didn’t purchase it from the Amazon link here. Rather I purchased from Harbor Freight with a 20% off coupon.

This hitch is the most cost effective on the market. Of course, that means there is compromise somewhere, right? This hitch is more ‘bulky’ than the more expensive hitches. The frame is larger (but likely not as strong) as the more expensive competitors. The top link hook is adjustable vertically, which is good. However, the top hook is very wide, and the hook does not extend out very far from the frame of the hitch, making it difficult to connect to some attachments.

There is a cost effective solution to this issue, which I found ONLY after I lost my top hook. There is a 3rd party top hook available which DOES extend outward from the frame of the quick hitch. This replacement hook greatly improves the ability to connect to my King Kutter brush hog, and other ‘difficult’ implements.

This video shows details of me working through these connectivity issues, finally settling on the improved ‘hook’ linked here.

With this replacement hook (and the $75-$80 HF hitch with coupon), you’ll have the most cost effective solution to the quick hitch problem. If you are cost sensitive, and want a suitable solution for compact tractors, you can stop reading! If you are brand loyal, or prefer a better looking solution, keep reading…

Deere I-Match

Deere I-Match
The Deere I-Match hitch is the most popular ‘premier’ hitch for John Deere compact tractors. It is sleek, compact and looks great on the Deere tractors. The only problem….cost. It is a VERY expensive solution compared to the other options mentioned here.

There really isn’t much more to say about this hitch. Very nice option, at a steep price.

Land Pride QH05

Land Pride QH05

This hitch is unique. The Harbor Freight Hitch, I-Match Hitch, and even all other Land Pride hitches require bushings to be attached to each attachment. These bushings are expensive, especially if you have lots of attachments. I’ve included a link to the least expensive ones I can find here. Perhaps not the right place to put the link, because this quick hitch doesn’t require them! That’s right, the lower hooks of this quick hitch directly fit the lift pins on your Category 1 attachments.

You can get the QH05 from your local Kubota dealer for around $200. While this is a bit more than the HF hitch, once you include the replacement top hook, and bushing for each of the attachments, the HF solution might end up costing more.

I do see a couple of potential issues with this hitch. First, it is rated for only 680 lbs (24 inches behind the links). That rating should work fine for 1-Series, and BX tractors, but this hitch is not appropriate for anything larger.

The second issue is that the geometry of the hitch might interfere with the Heavy Hitch product (which I love). I have not been able to try this, but at first look, it appears that the weights would contact the rounded frame of the QH05.


Take one look at my tractor, you’ll see my choice. Harbor Freight (Chinese) quick hitch with replacement extended hook. This is purely because of cost reasons.
Before my MAGA friends blast me for this recommendation, remember that it is very likely that the I-Match is not made in USA either.

If you are purchasing your tractor new, you can certainly include the I-Match (or QH05 if Kubota BX) in the purchase. Doing so will allow you to finance it.

No matter which solution you choose, I highly recommend some sort of quick hitch solution. It is simply not worth the effort to tug/pry/twist/pull the implements around to make them fit.

Happy Tractoring!

Tim Marks
Tim Marks
Compact Tractor Lover. Rural Lifestyle Enthusiast. Tractor Time with Tim on YouTube. Married to Christy for over 31 years. We love showing tractors, attachments, maintenance, storage ideas, and our daily activities around our 10 acre property. We also do some contract tractor work, and significant amount of charity projects.


  1. Hi Tim, I sure enjoy your videos an web site. Can my 1025R ROPS be modified to work like the new 2025R with the forward lean? My other option is to just lay it back parallel to the ground an resting on the bottom pin or cut 5 inches out of the top half and weld back together so I can get it under the shed. Can’t get it under if it is set up as designed. Thanks,

    • Bob, you could certainly trade almost ANY new 2018 1025R owner for their rops. The new owners don’t like them at all. Having said that, there is a pin slot for running the rops parallel to the ground. I’m assuming you knew that. This is the normal way of running the ROPS when you cannot have it raised.

    • I would like to trade my 2016 1025E ROPS for a 2018 ROPS, paraplegic and the news would help me get on and off better…it is amazing what these little tractors will do…

  2. Mr Tim, I want you and your family to know how much I enjoy the videos .. Have you guys thought about doing DVD’s of your you tubes and selling them? Your Maintenance ones I believe would sell ,I’d buy .. I go back often to refresh my mind on things .. I would like to Wish YOU & YOUR Family a very Merry Christmas this year.. My Our Lord God Bless Ya’ll greatly…

    Thanks allan

  3. Hey Tim I’ve discovered that I can get the bushings for my implements, bush hog, lift arm, heavy hitch etc. from Tractor Supply, and Rual King for $10 for set of three, that gets them to Cat 3. I decided to buy the JD iMatch quick hitch, $365, expensive, but I’m glad I did. Merry Christmas an best wishes for the New Year, Bob

  4. Tim, I have the harbor freight hitch and struggled with getting my box blade hooked up. Based on your recommendation and link to the new top hook on Amazon, my hitch performs now as expected. Thanks a bunch and keep the videos coming!

  5. Try rural king for a quick hitch. I just picked one up on sale for $79. This included the adapter that HF sells separately. Also top pin and one set of bushings. Great deal and is appears more sturdy than the HF one.

  6. Hello Tim, I have been following you ever since I purchased my 1023e. Actually I use all your videos for servicing and to answer any questions I may have. Now I have a question that I can’t find an answer for. I am having a difficult time finding implements / attachments for my 3 point hitch / PTO. I have been looking for a brush hog and tiller but the rating on the PTO is low and I can not find these attachments. Can you be of any assistance with this? Tim here also and I have your hats also and drive my kids crazy with them as I have a son Tim Jr also.

    • Your 1023E will handle a 4′ tiller. I would recommend the Tractor Supply / County Line brand.
      Also, you can handle a 4′ brush hog. I have a King Kutter brand. It works fine. You can get this brand in MANY locations.
      Does this help?

      • Thanks Tim, My concern is that the PTO HP rating of the 1023e is 14.5hp while the rating for the 1025R is 18HP. There are videos of the 1023e with a 18HP rated brush hog being used. I was just concerned about the stress on a 14.5HP rated PTO.
        The minimum rated HP on brush hogs that I have found including the ones you mention are 18HP but as I mentioned there are YouTube videos out there using the 18hp rated brush hogs like the Frontier RC2048
        Thank you for your help.

        • Hello again Tim,
          This is an update for the brush hog /cutter. I finally with the permission of my finance committee LOL, purchased a Northern Tool
          NorTrac 3-Pt. Rough Cut Mower — 48in. Cutting Width
          It was 1/2 the price of the John Deere Frontier RC2048.
          I had also purchased at the same time another implement which reduced the shipping costs significantly as well. I was very impressed with the way it was shipped in a 1″ steel angle iron welded and bolted cage bolted on a pallet. There was a bit of assembly and I had to use my oil to fill the gear box. This is the first time I have ever used a brush hog /cutter and I was very impressed it was quiet and not much vibration at all as I used it with a Harbor Freight quick hitch. I had over 2 acres on a gradual hill side with an incredible amount of dips and crests of uneven ground with 3 to 4 feet of high grass weeds and brush similar to your video. All in all my 1023e handled it very well I did have the loader installed like you did in your video for weight and balance.
          As far as weight and balance when I have just the loader on I fabricated my own rear ballast with a cut in half plastic 55 gal barrel filled with 5 – 80 pound bags of mixed and hardened concrete mix that has an approximate weight of 550 lbs. with the barrel and 3 point hitch hardware.
          I am including the link to the NorTrac cutter in the event anyone would be interested and you permit links to be posted.

          Tim Here

  7. Any update on top hook replacement for HF quick hitch. Can’t get it to hook up to box blade. Just purchased a 2018 2025r with FEL. Did not get mid mount mower. It was more expensive than the one that priced out on new 1025r. In fact it costs the same as a 465z track mower. Since I have one of these I figured it would out mow the tractor as I have lots of trees to now around. Also had dealer price the new Mauser cab for the 2025f. $7,200 installed. Didn’t get one. Love your videos

  8. Hey Tim, Did you replace the bolts on the top hook with pins? If so, what size pins did you buy? 1/2″ is too big, looks like 7/16″ is the right size, but I haven’t had a ton of luck finding pins that size.

    • I had the same problem with my Harbor Freight quick hitch. I used a 1/2” drill bit to drill out the holes but it seemed it was just a very heavy paint build up because there was no metal filings just paint when I drilled out the holes. I also had to drill out the lower arms and upper arm holes as they came with pins that were smaller than my 1023e and it was very sloppy again one hole was loaded with paint. I really did not mind the expense of purchasing new pins as the Harbor Freight quick hitch was the least expensive when I purchased it even before I had the tractor because I had a 25% discount coupon with free shipping. It was the first time I was introduced to parts and things like this needed for these tractors everything is so heavy. I also realize there are people who do not have access to ½” and larger drill bits and drills that size needed to drill open the holes with these size bits. I hope this helps.

  9. Hi Tim,
    I was not sure where to address this but considering that the Terra King TKV20 MCS is a 3 point hitch implement and my question pertains to the video you did on that implement. In the video you had understandably weights on the front of “Johnny” to compensate for the weight Terra King TKV20 MCS. My question is how much weight did you have on the front of Johnny?
    Tim here in NY

    • Thanks Tim. I’ve met the founders, and talked with some of the rest of the team. I’m not used to seeing a team so passionate and proactive about their product. Winning team, winning product.

  10. Hi Tim, I have put down deposit on the TKV20 and have been watching all the videos you have so far with special interest in the one on running the wiring harness and removing the floor boards. I am trying to locate the video you mentioned, the Artillian 3rd Function Diverter Kit Installation John Deere 1025R Grapple. Unfortunately in the video I looked at you mentioned not enough time to show floor board removal. So if there is a specific video I would greatly appreciate it. A link here would be great.

    One thing I realize you are still in moving in mode and I am not expecting delivery of the TKV20 until the spring time so please get moved in. Your attention to this request is not immediate or an emergency. Do what you have to do for the move and your family.
    God Bless,

    Tim here in NY

    • Someone else pointed that out as well. Seems like I flubbed on that! Unfortunately, the 2017 and later 1025r’s have a slightly different floorboard arrangement, so I’m not sure a video of that from me would be extremely helpful.

  11. Tim, et al
    Your videos and your passion for not only making things better (modifications), but also helping your community are simply refreshing. It is obvious that you are a Godly man, as your character reflects this. I own a welding business, and also have the same bug you do for tools, including my 2015 2032r. I love modifying it to meet my needs. I mow about 5 acres of field grass, and clear snow on my long gravel driveway. I envy your relationship with your family. Keep up the great work. I feel like I know ya. Merry Christmas. And go for it,,, splurge and get a juicy cheeseburger. God Bless.

    • Thanks very much for the comment. Our move has been tough, and encouraging words like yours are incredibly helpful!

      Merry Christmas to you!

  12. Great video, good information. I am using a John Deere tractor with JD brush hog and Land Pride 48″ box blade on my sister’s farm. A real pain changing implements. She is unable to connect anything, so whatever I leave hooked up is what is on the tractor until I return. A quick hitch seems like the answer, however, I am unable to tell if one hitch will serve both implements. It is a two hour + drive, so I don’t get up there very often. I’ve done Google searches, but cannot find anything that will tell me if one brand of quick hitch will serve both the JD bush hog and the LP box blade. Does anyone know?

  13. I don’t like any of these quick solutions. The best solution would be to have lower arms with the hook extensions. I quote : I’ve often wondered why tractor manufacturers continue to supply the standard ‘ball’ connection on the tractor.
    So cut off the ball extension and weld on the hook extension.
    The top link I’m using is a hydraulic device , adjustible in a few seconds when puttin on and adjustible when working in the field to level the implement.

  14. Finally found the article and video I’ve been looking for, for about a week now. Thank you for all the help. I will be buying a HF quick hitch soon and the hook for my 1025r!!!!

  15. Hello Tim. Is Harbor Freight still your choice for a quick hitch? If so, do you know if the modified top link you mention is still available? TY

  16. I have a harbor freight quick connect. It is approximately 27 inches wide, my York rake and my weight box is approximately 19 inches wide along with my neighbors grader blade I have to buy extra long hardened bolts to fill in the gap. Do they make a quick connect category one that is only 20 inches wide? I too had to modify The Hook. I also remove the bolts and put pins in with cotter pins so that when I need to remove the hook I just pulled the cotter pins.

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