Monday, February 17, 2025

Edge Tamer System

By now, you’ve probably noticed my fondness for products which solve a specific problem today, and can also be extended to solve additional problems either today or in the future. The Edge Tamer ‘system’ as I’ll refer to it here is just such a solution.

The primary purpose and driving force for you to purchase the Edge Tamer is its simple and cost effective solution to snow removal. The Edge Tamers fit onto the cutting edge of tractor (or skid steer) mounted front loader. The Edge Tamers will fit any subcompact/compact or even larger front end loaders. This video (shot in the summer) shows how the Edge Tamers prevent the loader from gouging into the suburban sod. As we were testing, the loader even started picking up leaves! Obviously, the Edge Tamers are not marketed as a leaf collection system, but hey, I could think of worse ways to attempt leaf collection! …like a hand-held yard rake!!

When (if?) we get some snow, we’ll get some video with the Edge Tamers for their primary use. Who knows, we may clear our entire back yard!

Edge Tamers are offered in 3″, 4″, and now 6″ widths. For sub-compact tractors, two of the 3″ will work fine. For wider buckets, you may want to consider addind an Edge Tamer in the middle. For heavier buckets, or situations where the ground under the snow is extra soft/muddy, you may want the wider version. For example, we are planning to use the 6″ version on my dad’s Case 580 backhoe.

Less than $100 (with the TTWT 5% off coupon code) provides an effective snow removal solution for your compact tractor. However, this is not the end of the Edge Tamer story.


Pallet forks are probably the most versatile front end loader attachment available. You can use them for LOTS different purposes, many of which have nothing to do with a pallet. If you don’t own a set, I would recommend you consider doing so. However, if you have a pin-on bucket, or you simply cannot afford a set of forks, the Edge Tamer system provides a suitable alternative. The Edge Extender can handle posts, logs, brush, and many other situation where the loader bucket will not quite do the job. The amazing thing is that a pair of these is only a $30 addition to your set of Edge Tamers.

Trash Can Carrier (No more excuses)

I’m always coming up with an excuse why I can’t take out the trash. I’m busy with this or that, eating a cheeseburger, etc! I refer to the Trash Tamer as the ‘no more excuses’ attachment. Now, when the trash needs to be taken out, I can use my tractor! Maybe that will give me some more motivation?

The Trash Tamer attaches to the Edge Tamer, completing the ‘system’ as I have described it. You can carry 2 or maybe even 3 trash cans at once with the front of your bucket. This solution makes it easy to ‘scoop up’ your trash cans for the journey to the road. Ok, my journey is only about 80′, but I suspect you don’t live in the confines of suburbia!


The Edge Tamer System is quite a cost effective solution to several problems we face around the yard each day. Due to the low cost, it is a great gift idea. I highly recommend getting a set of these for yourself, or the tractor lover in your life.

Tim Marks
Tim Marks
Compact Tractor Lover. Rural Lifestyle Enthusiast. Tractor Time with Tim on YouTube. Married to Christy for over 31 years. We love showing tractors, attachments, maintenance, storage ideas, and our daily activities around our 10 acre property. We also do some contract tractor work, and significant amount of charity projects.


  1. Tim, I just saw your email and the info on the Edge Tamer and Extenders. I ordered them and am looking very forward to using them. I heat w/wood so I’m cutting a lot throughout the year and this looks like it’ll really help me w/log removal. Thanks, Happy Thanksgiving.

  2. Tim, thanks for the informative 1 series videos. I purchased my 1025r with mower deck, bucket and backhoe based on content you provided. Also ordered the edge tamers today. Keep up those vids! Dave

  3. Hi Tim, great videos!!! I enjoy watching them all smd learning about the 1025r. I want to buy one very soon and i have learned so much from your experience. Could you post something about Johnny’s stability on slopes? Such as side hill mowing?

    • This is not one of the strengths of the 1025R. Its small footprint makes it a bit more tipsy than one would like.

      Having said that, check out my “Levi” videos. Levi uses a 1026r (same size as 1025r) on some extreme slopes. You can ask him about it at

  4. Received via USPS in about a week to Alaska. The Edge Tamers seem to be of very heavy duty construction. Thank you for the discount.

  5. Tim, This is a great idea. The people that owned the farm the kids are buying left two pieces of equipment: A large two axles spreader and a bulldozer that has no brakes. Curtis is fixing both and they will become community property for use by the three farms that abut one another. That’s country living!

  6. Tim, First post with you. I don’t find any specific info here about specific fork systems. I’m presuming with the limited max lift weight with my JD 1025R that 3′ forks would be very adequate. I’m mostly looking to move palates of stacked firewood and logs. Should I consider 36 inch forks to maximize load capability?

    • K C, yes, we expect to have more specific recommendations on forks coming up soon.
      We recommend forks from As you mention, with this subcompact low lift capacity tractors, the weight of the forks is very important. The artillian frame is the lightest weight (and by far the strongest) frame available.
      I chose the 3×36″ forks for the same reason you mention when buying for myself. Artillian has now provided me a set of 3×42″ forks for comparision.
      Some folks say they can see the tips of the 42″ forks better. I have not yet tried them,but I will try them for a video at some point.
      I find the 36″ plenty long for accomplishing the tasks at hand. Again, the loader cannot lift much out at the tips of 36″ forks, let alone 42″ forks.
      I hope this is helpful.
      My personal belief is that the higher price of the Artillian forks is worth it due to the light weight, and the ability to add on additional components (grapple, etc) to the system.

  7. HI, this looks like a great product. But I’m having trouble finding how to order them! Where to I need to go to place an order for these products.

    • There is an order page there. Use coupon code TTWT to order.
      If you still have issues, comment here again. We’ll help you get the order placed.

      • Mr. Marks, I attended the farm show in Syracuse NY two weekends ago hoping to meet the brothers of R2 or at least see a re and table at this event for their company (I was counting on one of them being from Buffalo making this a close farm show to advertise their product). What I did not count on was the National farm show going on simultaneously. Long story short, I ran thru the show with two items in mind, saw neither and went home empty handed but with 3 miles quickly walked under my belt. I recently picked up a new 1025r with the new backhoe, 60 inch mower and FEL, and wanted the Edge Tamers for snow removal. I ordered them with your discount code when I returned home. I am hoping they come in soon, as this will mean we will probably not get any major snow again this year. If they take awhile, we probably will get dumped on. Anyway I enjoy your channel and was quite surprised to see you on Good Works Tractors and Messick’s Youtube channels. I watched videos from both as well as many others (mainly those two though, while deciding if I wanted a B2601 or 1025r. The simplicity of the quick attach mower and loader as well as the proximity of four JD dealerships nearby closed the deal. I almost convinced the wife to purchase a used TBL from Good Works but she could not get over the 2014 model year, though we would have saved some. Courtney’s tractors’ look to be in great shape and his shipping is reasonable. Thanks for the discount as well as informative video on the Edge Tamers. I am sure I will be perusing older videos for maintenance and other tips on my new tractor.

        Chris A.

          • I asked Courtney. It wasn’t. He did not list that for another week or two. I just received the Edge Tamers yesterday, nice solid product, and as a bonus, we probably won’t have a major snow the rest of this winter spring now that I can utilize my bucket properly!

  8. I was watching one of your videos of the 2038R where you were cleaning up debris after a tornado, You mentioned that the tractor had 2 inch spacers on the rear wheels. One of your replies above mentioned the fact that the 1025R was a little bit tipsy.
    Is there a spacer kit available for the 1025R and/or is there any downside to doing something like that to assist with it’s stability? Many of the “real” tractors have adjustments or reversible wheels for increasing the rear track. I have added the beet juice as rear tire ballast but anything that could stabilize the tractor a bit more might be helpful.

  9. Hello Tim…I remember a video where you showed Ken’s hydraulic pressure gauge. I can seem to find it now. Do you remember which video it was? Also, have you ever adjusted your hydraulic pressure? If not set correctly, I would like to get it right. How is the hydraulic pressure adjusted? I can find much info on it, but it sounds like bolt and jam nut adjustment. Any info would be appropriated. Thanks!

    • for the gauge.
      I do not feel comfortable providing pressure adjustment info.
      You can get a service manual at use code TTWT for free shipping.

  10. I picked up the edge tamers and extensions as one of my first add on after I bought my 1025R. I have used them to move snow and as you said in your article I have used them quite a bit moving leaves. They are great for both jobs and leave the lawn where it should be. The extensions have been handy moving around wood slabs and such when I am prepping for the winter.

  11. Tim, The edge tamers link in your write up doesn’t work. Did find R2 which seems to be the product do they take your discount code and is there a link to use for that for your benefit?


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